Latest Opinion



I went to a conference last weekend to learn more about ways to evangelize the lost from a ...

Faith and Values

Good news

The word “gospel” means “good news.” And it is indeed good news! In fact, it is the greatest ...

Faith and Values

Change can make you a bitter or better person

2025 has become a year of immense change. Everything in our lives has been touched by the aggressive ...

Faith and Values

How to bring laughter back into our marriage

You’re angry. He’s angry. What’s new? It’s been a long time since you’ve enjoyed each other’s company. When ...


The Big Bang and dark matter

Everybody enjoys a good mystery. And boy, right now there’s a doozie of a mystery in cosmology. Cosmology ...

Letters to the Editor

Renaming celebration commemorates truly special day

Dear Ms. Holloway: On behalf of the Thomasville City Council and the City of Thomasville, I would like ...


Homer Pankey helped transform local education

In 1992, Thomas College was at a literal and figurative crossroads. Since 1950, Birdwood Junior College has existed ...


Dreaming of tax simplification

I can’t help but dream this time of the year. It’s the thick of winter, you see, which ...


Joining those who are saying goodbye to DEI

Uh. Oh. This column as you read it may never be the same again. I’m not talking about ...


National Parks too important to compromise

Those of you who have read my words on these pages over the last handful of years know ...

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