A gift for encouraging others
I am in the process of writing another book. The Lord placed a gift of encouragement inside of me and there is nothing I would rather do than to encourage others to be all that they were created to be.
I haven’t always done it well because personalities clash, motives can be impure and insecurity can affect the way you talk to someone. Nevertheless, if there was ever a need for encouragers it is now. I don’t think you have to have a gift in order to encourage someone. It is just something that I am aware that I do and want to do whenever the opportunity arises.
Barnabus, the Apostle Paul’s first ministry companion, was called the “son of encouragement.” Not a bad thing to be called for sure! Google dictionary defines encourage “to give support, confidence or hope to someone.” Common synonyms of encouragement are to embolden, hearten and inspirit. They mean to fill with courage or strength of purpose usually from an outside force (another person). King David, before he became king, was in a very difficult situation and scriptures say “he encouraged himself in the Lord.” So whether we can encourage ourselves or have the blessing of being encouraged by another, the power of helping someone to move back into a place of trusting God or moving forward with their life is vital.
All of us who are believers have the most amazing cheerleader/encourager of all in the person of the Holy Spirit. Even if you don’t have a good support group currently, He is always there for you and to be with you to encourage you. The same Greek word for encouragement paraklesis (noun paraklete) is one of the names of Holy Spirit, our Comforter. It is a calling alongside to help, to comfort, to give consolation or encouragement. My Bible definition goes on to say the paraklete is a strengthening presence, one who upholds those appealing for assistance.
I have been a part of numerous Christian groups with different focuses and purposes, but the one thing that thrills me the most is when a group (usually not very many members) is really demonstrating love for one another, supporting each other and encouraging one another to do and be their best. Nothing grieves my heart more when I see gossip, manipulation, competition begin to take over a group of believers that may have started with good intentions and pure motives.
When you have a leader who understands the importance of supporting one another and models that, the group will be far more productive and reach higher goals than originally planned or intended. Encouragement can help all of us to go beyond what we normally would do or even think we could do.
I have an online business mentoring group that I am a part of. This group models encouragement better than many churches or other Christian organizations because they are Kingdom of God-minded and understand this wonderful principle of cheering one another to do their best and being there for each other when performance or results don’t go as planned and hoped for. This business/Kingdom group has done more to encourage me by just modeling what Kingdom businesses should look like.
As a matter of fact, that group has modeled this principle so well I was inspired to write the book I am currently writing. After just a few months with them constantly encouraging one another ,I had the idea to invite any of them who wanted to contribute to the book to contact me.
Out of this group of about 20 of us, 10 volunteered and have shared their perspective on being a cheerleader. Each story is unique but each one testifies of what that means to them. I am hoping this book will model a principle about the impact a few people can have when collaborating together. Although the scripture is talking about spiritual warfare, the same principle applies – “one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight.” There is exponential power in coming together and being in agreement.
My dream is to have many little cheerleading squads who love each other fervently. They work and walk together and cheer one another on. They model to others just how powerful this atmosphere of comfort and encouragement really is. They can accomplish things together that they could never do on their own. They demonstrate especially to the world what the Kingdom of God should look like – heaven on earth! I want to see these squads operating in businesses in our community, in the schools, at the hospital, in doctor’s offices and every other place that has people working closely together including our city and county government, all of the first responders and other city workers. I want to see this principle (and principal) operating in the churches – among the staff as well as within the congregations.
Some of you have experienced the true Koinonia (fellowship by and in the Spirit) that can happen when a few people determine that they will put the Lord and His agenda and His way of doing things above their own. Our enemy does everything he can to separate us and cause us to be offended with one another. He realizes the power we have when we come into true unity and agreement. The scripture affirms this principle over and over and Jesus Himself prayed for us to be one, even as He and the Father are one. Those are not just pious platitudes but powerful principles that will destroy our enemy’s grip on humanity and the world.
We are in uncertain times and none of us know for sure the process the Lord will take us through to get to the end of this age. I doubt that any of us have it all right but I know as times get more difficult, having those we can really count on to encourage us and walk together through whatever storms may come our way will become more and more important. It never was God’s plan for us to walk alone. He is our Father, He created Family and it is not just our natural family that we need, but our brothers and sisters in Christ who can walk with us through life.
I want to encourage you to cultivate that kind of relationship with a few people. Maybe you have had some negative experiences in the past but that does not mean that the Lord cannot place those people you need now around you that understand the value of encouraging one another. Form or join your own cheerleading squad! Go Team!