Farm Bureau “Harvest for All” Campaign helps feed the hungry

Published 1:48 pm Monday, January 27, 2025

MACON- Thomas County Farm Bureau recently donated $250 to the Georgia Food Bank Association during the statewide Harvest for All campaign coordinated by the Georgia Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee.

Georgia Farm Bureau’s statewide 2024 Harvest for All campaign raised $20,000, which was presented to Feeding Georgia Executive Director Danah Craft during the 2024 Georgia Farm Bureau convention on Jekyll Island.

“Part of our role is to serve our communities,” said Bert Hurst, Thomas County Farm Bureau president. “The Harvest for All donation is our way of helping feed those who are struggling.”

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Monetary donations to Feeding Georgia help offset costs associated with collecting and distributing donated food, and they allow the organization to purchase food items to round out a nutritional diet.

The YF&R Committee coordinates the Harvest for All campaign, which provides funding that enables food banks to purchase food like protein, fruits and vegetables to round out their offerings to families. This means that they can provide all the food components necessary for a healthy meal. 

The Feeding America food banks in Georgia distribute more than 173 million meals each year through a community-based network of 2,400 pantries.  Feeding Georgia is a partner state association of Feeding America.

Feeding America said each dollar given helps provide 10 meals for families facing hunger, meaning GFB’s donation makes approximately 200,000 meals possible.

The USDA defines food insecurity as lack of access to enough food for an active, healthy life. Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap survey revealed that 13.1% of Georgians (approximately 1.4 million people) experienced food insecurity in 2022, the latest year for which data is available. Of those, 32% did not qualify for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.

According to the 2023 Georgia Hunger Study commissioned by the Georgia Department of Human Services and conducted by the University of Georgia, 60% of Georgians who use food banks are employed but do not make enough money to pay for all their essential needs. Often, they are forced to choose between buying food and paying for utilities, transportation, medicine or housing.

Of Georgians who turn to food banks for nutrition, 12.2% are veterans or current military members and 42.8% have some level of college education. Another 35.2% have completed high school or earned a GED.

Since 2004, GFB has coordinated annual Harvest for All campaigns through which GFB members across the state have donated about 49,000 pounds of staple food items and more than $300,000 in cash donations distributed to the food banks located throughout Georgia affiliated with Feeding America.

Founded in 1937, Georgia Farm Bureau is a membership-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to serving as the voice of Georgia farmers and rural Georgia. GFB, Georgia’s largest farm organization, promotes Georgia commodities and offers legislative representation to ensure Georgia’s farming future. Its volunteer members actively participate in local, state and national activities that promote agriculture awareness to their non-farming neighbors.

GFB membership is open to the public and offers a wide variety of benefits, including insurance and discounts for health services, travel and family entertainment. Enrollment in any of the member benefits is optional and not a requirement for membership.