
New Years solutions needed

As we approach the end of what can best be described as a tumultuous year, I think we ...


New store in town

To whom it may concern:  Aldi, the new grocery store in town is a German based company that ...

Faith and Values

Help my unbelief

A man brought to Jesus his daughter who “had an unclean spirit.” Jesus told the man, “If you ...

Faith and Values

Experiencing joy in the new year – in the midst of sorrow

Has the loss of someone dear to you left a perpetual hole in your heart? Have the consequences ...


Live your highest life

Here we are at the end of another year! As I reflect on this past year, it has ...


Our national debt is beyond comprehension

The U.S. Debt Clock says our country is in hock for more than $36 trillion. How massive is ...


The ultimate gift

In past years I have suggested going beyond Christmas and other holiday gifts that will soon be forgotten, ...


About those empty seats at Christmas…

Some years, families are blessed to initiate festive new Christmas traditions. Other years, the new tradition is a ...

Faith and Values

Powerful spiritual tools

This time of the year is difficult for many of us. Some have lost loved ones recently. Others, ...

Faith and Values

When it doesn’t feel like Christmas

Christmas is a sensory experience! Seeing the lights, hearing the sounds, smelling all the goodies baking, touching the ...

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