Goin’ Hog Wild Car Show cruises into town
TIFTON — The 26th Annual Goin’ Hog Wild Car, Truck & Bike Show will cruise into the UGA Tifton Conference Center April 13-14.
The yearly show is put together by the Tiftarea Auto Club.
“We have a group of club members that have been doing this every year,” said Ed Branch, president of the club. “We do this every year because we like to give to charities.”
This year’s event is raising money for Ruth’s Cottage, Relay for Life, The Patticake House and the American Legion.
A barbecue and cruise-in pre-show gets things going Friday night at 6 p.m.
The next day, the competition gets going in earnest.
There are nearly 30 awards this year: The Top 20, highlighting the best 20 cars, and then Special Interest, Best Show Engine, Best Interior, Best Paint, President’s Choice, Best Import, Best of Show, Best Motorcycle and Ladies Choice.
And after 26 years of running it, the interest in classic cars shows no sign of slowing down.
“They’re nice to look at, nice to dream about, nice to drool over,” said Branch. “We’ve found that every year there’s more shows. There are 55 other car-related events on the same weekend as ours [in the southeastern United States].”
Last year’s event saw around 70 official participants — mostly from Georgia and Florida — though that doesn’t include vehicle owners who brought their cars out of competition.
Many Tiftarea Auto Club members will also have their cars out for the show this year, though they can’t enter them in the competition.
It’s $25 per entry for cars, trucks, motorcycles and vendors. The show is free for the public.
For more information, contact Ed Branch at 229-238-0708, Alex Csinos at 229-387-5431 or Gary Grimes at 229-382-1501.
Update: The correct photo for the Best in Show 2017 has been added to the story.