Yarden Notes

While the average high July temperature is 82.58 degrees, according to Weatherspark.com, the highest average daily temperature occurs this month: 92 degrees. The hottest day of the year usually occurs on July 22. The cloudiest day of the year usually occurs this month, also; on July 12 the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy 57% of the time. And, on July 31, the chance of a wet day is 60%. 

During the summer, we hear the term “dew point.” I have copied this definition from the internet because it seems to be the most understandable one to me: “Dew point is the temperature at which the air is completely saturated and can’t hold any more moisture.” The higher the dew point, the greater the amount of moisture in the air. This directly affects comfort. The closer the air temperature and dew point temperature are, the higher the humidity is. This is why a 90⁰ day with a dew point of 83⁰ has a relative humidity of 80% and feels sticky and very uncomfortable.

Did you know that Earth is at its farthest distance from the sun in early July, during our summer here in the Northern Hemisphere? On July 4, Earth will reach aphelion, its most distant point from the sun. It will be approximately 3 million miles farther away from the sun than it will be in early January. (Sounds unlikely, doesn’t it? But 3 million miles is not a great distance in the vast universe.) Also, it is not the distance from the sun that causes our seasons, anyway. It is the tilt of the Earth upon its axis. At this time of year, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, so we receive its rays more directly. Another interesting point: When the Earth is farthest from the sun, as around now, our world is moving slowest in its orbit around the sun — about a kilometer per second slower than when Earth is closest to the sun in the winter. Thus, the Northern Hemisphere’s summer is longer than its winter by about five days. 


Sunday, July 3 – Thursday, August 11 – Dog Days of Summer. These days have nothing to do with dogs panting in the sweltering heat of summer. Instead, they were named by the ancient Greeks and Romans because of the “dog star,” Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky besides the sun. Sirius appeared to rise just before the sun at this time of year. Sirius has predicted the time of extreme heat since ancient times. 

Monday, July 4 – Independence Day. Happy Birthday, United States of America! “Bold stripes, bright stars, brave hearts.” Let freedom ring long, loud, ceaselessly and clear! Celebrate this important day with a few festive pots plants with red, white and blue blossoms. I know that blue flowers are sometimes hard to find but I have seen and liked the following: “blue my mind” morning glories, blue lobelias, salvias and petunias.

Monday, July 4 – Earth at Aphelion. This is the date on which the Earth is farthest from the sun. At 3:10 a.m., local time, Earth’s center will be 94,509,598 miles away from the sun’s center. We are farther away from the sun in the summer, not the winter, in our hemisphere. 

Friday, July 29 – National Rain Day. Throughout history, people have recognized the importance of rain and celebrated this life-giving force. I like this story, which I learned when we lived about 28 miles from Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, decades ago. In the 1800s, a Waynesburg, pharmacist noticed that it always seemed to rain on July 29. As a result, he began keeping a record of the instances of rainfall on that date. 

After the 1920s, his brother continued to keep the record, and sure enough, it continued to rain pretty consistently on that date. What had begun as a local event spread when a newspaperman started reporting stories about it. Now, Waynesburg, PA, receives calls from around the world to learn if it is raining on July 29! Not only that, others have adopted Rain Day. This has become a great way to encourage awareness of the importance of rain and the understanding that rain is not universally plentiful. 

Weatherspark.com predicts that our rainiest day of the year is July 31, with a 60% chance of precipitation. Join me in remembering to see if we receive rain on Sunday, July 31.


Lawns: Remember to keep the blade of your mower up; mow grass at a height of 2.5 to 3 inches. Apply at least an inch of water per week, if nature has not done so.

Trees: Help them survive the heat by mulching heavily over the root system. “Mulch out, not up!” as one source admonished. Do not  mulch close to the trunk; leave the “root flare” bare (about 3-6 inches) to prevent oxygen starvation; root suffocation; and wet root flare  and wet trunk tissues, which lead to fungal and bacterial diseases and rot.

Flowering plants: Keep deadheading to prolong bloom time. Fertilize container plants every two weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer solution for best  bloom. 

Flowers: For longest vase life, harvest cut flowers just as they begin to open in the early morning.

Watering: Yardens need one inch of rain or irrigation each week. Early morning is the best time to water. Evening watering is less desirable because plants that remain wet through the night are more susceptible to fungal diseases. Mulch plants to reduce high temperatures and water loss.

Vegetables: Harvest veggies regularly to prolong production and to enjoy the peak of their freshness. Water vegetable gardens deeply as needed.

Herbs: Pinch back herbs before they bolt or they will stop producing new leaves and go to seed. Pinching back promotes a healthy bushy plant.  Pinching back also provides a nice crop of herbs.

Insect pests: Monitor all plants for insect pests, especially aphids. Combat infestations with insecticidal soap.

Another pest, mosquitoes: Bats help control mosquitoes; attract them with bat houses. Do not believe all the awful myths about bats; they are friendly, helpful mammals that not only combat mosquitoes but also pollinate plants.

Start a fall herb garden: Sow basil, beet, carrot, kale, radish and turnip and seeds in mid-July through August. 

Most important: Keep hydrated. Wear sunscreen and sunglasses, without exception. A broad-brimmed hat is wise. As are sleeves and leg coverings. The South has more cases of skin cancer, cataracts and eye cancer than elsewhere due to sun exposure. Avoid exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. That is when UV rays are at their strongest.


A report from UGA last month states that, contrary to years of dire reports, summer monarch butterfly populations have remained relatively stable for the last 25 years. This large and comprehensive study suggests that monarch population growth during the summer months compensates for their losses during migration, winter weather and other environmental factors. The authors of the study say, “Monarchs are actually one of the most widespread butterflies in North America.”

However, the authors also warn us not to become complacent because there is always the possibility of threats ahead. Global warming is one that might present problems in the future. And, there are, indeed, some butterfly species that were once widespread but are now in jeopardy. Fortunately, monarchs are not.


An exciting film about the Monarch butterfly, “The Flight of the Butterflies,” will be shown in Tallahassee at the Challenger Learning Center (IMAX Theater, 200 S Duval Street) in 3D on Sunday, July 10, at 3 p.m. The film details the life cycle of the Monarch butterfly from its egg to its winter migration to and from Mexico. It is a beautifully filmed movie and is truly spectacular in 3D! Tickets prices are: adults  $8.00, students and seniors (55 and older) $7, Children $6.


“A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs, just like life itself.” — May Sarton (pen name of Eleanor Marie Sarton, American poet, novelist and memoirist. 1912-95.) 

Pat Pankey writes this column for Thomasville Garden Club, Inc. as a service to the community.  Thomasville Garden Club, Inc. welcomes new members. If you are interested, please contact Membership Chair Julie Feinberg 229-224-5771 or any current member. The Garden Center has a library of books about gardening that are available not only to garden club members but also to the general public. To access the library or to visit the Garden Center, please contact Caroline Flowers 229-200-9197 or any current member. You may contact Linda and Joe Tarver 229-403-1187 if you are interested in renting the Garden Center for an event. The Garden Center is always open to the public on the Wednesday before the first Friday of every month, September through May. Please visit our website at www.thomasvillegardenclub.org and find us on Facebook. 


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