Civic Garden Club announces annual flower show winners
Ruth Barnett won the Sweepstakes Award at the Civic Garden Club’s 79th annual Flower Show.
The theme this year was “The Garden Therapy.”
Barnett also won first place for Division I, Roses, and Division VIII, Herbs in a Jar.
Rosanna Thompson won in Division II, Annuals/Perennials, Division VI, Showstopper, the Pink and Green, and Division IX, Aloe to Our Friends.
Lucy Scott won in Division III, Horticulture and Shrubs, Jacquise Jackson won in Division IV, The Garden Spot, Christine Sneed won in Division VII, the Welcome Wall Basket, Kevin Jackson won in Division X, Photo Shoot, Claretha Carnage won in Division XI, Quilts, Lille Turner won in Division XII, Place Setting, and Agnes Russell won in Division XIII, The Collection.
Division V, School’s Artwork, winners were Harper Elementary School, Bright Star Daycare, YMCA Daycare, Mt. Zion Daycare and Peanut Kiddie Cottage.