Pow Wow returns to Whigham

Life slowed down during the pandemic and festivals and events were put on hold. Now, fall is in the air and it is time once again to enjoy the outside and the company of friends and family. After not being able to hold the Tama Intertribal Pow Wow for two years, the pow wow will be held on October 21st-October 23rd, 2022 at 107 Tall Pine Drive, Whigham Georgia. Last year would have been the 50th year of the Tama Intertribal Pow Wow, making it one of the oldest pow wows in the South Eastern United States. The pow wow will kick off the weekend event at 5 p.m., Friday, October 21st. 

At 9:15 a.m., Saturday, October 22nd a Flag Ceremony which is open to the public, will take place. Following the Flag Ceremony, vendors will open their booths stocked with items to be purchased. Items range from homemade sauces, jams and jellies to Native American clothing, beadwork, baskets, jewelry, and many more unique gifts and souvenirs. 

Singing Dove’s Kitchen will open at 10:30 a.m. and will be open for the day. You may purchase Indian fry bread, Indian tacos or more traditional food such as hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, curly fries, chips, and soft drinks or tea.

At 1 p.m. the first of two Grand Entries will take place. A Grand Entry is the opening when dancers from different tribes dance their way into the arena to start the pow wow. Dancing will be followed by flute music, drumming and an auction. The auction consists of items that have been donated by the vendors. The second Grand Entry will be held at 7 p.m., Saturday. Sunday, October 23rd, Singing Dove’s Kitchen will reopen at noon with the final Grand Entry for the event being held at 2 p.m.

During the daylight hours and weather permitting, a Creek Living Village (circa 1800’s) will also be open to the public. Demonstrators will explain the use of primitive weapons and tools, clothing and housing and the everyday activities of the Creek Indians. 

The gate fee is $5.00 a vehicle with handicap parking available. Everyone is welcome. Bring a lawn chair or choose the outside seating available on the grounds. Dogs are welcome as long as they are well behaved and on a leash at all times. Drugs, alcohol and firearms are not allowed on the premises during the event.

Come step back in time and take home an understanding of the Creek Indians who lived in SW Georgia.



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