Cornered coyote captured
THOMASVILLE — Wile E. Coyote, the cartoon character always on the move and perpetually hungry, would not have been proud of a fellow coyote discovered Sunday afternoon in a Thomas County resident’s garage.
Creative and undaunted, Wile E. Coyote followed complicated blueprints and dreamed up elaborate unsuccessful schemes in search of food.
Such was not the case with the coyote who took to a corner at a house in the 400 block of East Gate Drive off Summerhill Road.
Thomas County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Steven Jones saw a deputy en route to a call about 4 p.m. Sunday and followed the officer to the incident location.
Officers arrived at the East Gate residence to find the coyote in a corner of a double garage that housed a boat on one side. Jones, sheriff’s office public information officer, said the door to one side of the garage stays open.
“Every time a little light came in, his eyes lit up like little marbles,” Jones said in describing the cornered animal.
A nuisance wildlife trapper was called. The trapper happened to be in the area and responded quickly.
The trapper, deputies and the homeowner successfully and safely captured and removed the critter from the garage. The coyote was taken to a location away from populated areas.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820