Georgia trial on salmonella outbreak continues
ALBANY, Ga. (AP) — The former manager of a peanut processor linked to a deadly outbreak of salmonella says the Georgia firm cheated on safety testing.
Samuel Lightsey continued testifying Tuesday against his former boss at Peanut Corp. of America, Stewart Parnell, and two others.
Parnell and his brother, food broker Michael Parnell, are accused of shipping tainted products to customers and covering up lab tests showing they contained salmonella. Stewart Parnell and the Georgia plant’s quality assurance manager, Mary Wilkerson, also are charged with obstructing justice.
Lightsey has reviewed company documents on the stand and told jurors they show that the firm knowingly shipped products tainted with salmonella and cheated on safety tests. Defense attorneys have not yet started questioning Lightsey, who agreed to testify for the prosecution in return for leniency.