Goin’ Hog Wild Car Show rides into town
TIFTON — The 26th Annual Goin’ Hog Wild Car Show cruised into town Saturday at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center.
Thirty-four registered participants entered their vehicles into the competition, 32 from Georgia and two from Alabama.
Charles Dancy, of Forsyth, won the Best of Show award with his 1968 Plymouth GTX.
Tifton award winners included Gerald Copeland, Chip Rhodes, Ernest Cravey, Duane Weeks, Ron Roberts, Bill Sweeny, Donnie Childers, Lonnie Lewis, Norman (Red) Hill, Bobby Stone, Howard and Donna Purvis, Charlie Sumner, Lee and Teresa Carter, Ken Kelly, Mike Cooksey, Professor Veal, and Kris Stone, according to Ed Branch, president of the Tiftarea Auto Club.
Funds raised from this year’s show go to support Ruth’s Cottage, Relay for Life, The Patticake House and the American Legion