Local students earn national homeschool award

Five students from the Classical Conversations of Thomasville homeschool community recently capped months of study by correctly reciting over 500 facts from a multitude of subjects as part of the national Classical Conversations Memory Master program.

The students received the Memory Master award on April 13. To earn the award, each child spent approximately four total hours recalling facts from history, geography, English, Latin, math, and science, as well as a chronological history timeline.

Included within the material memorized by the students were a chronological timeline of 161 events and people; 120 locations and geographic features in Europe, Asia and select parts of the world; 24 science facts including biomes, planets, laws of motion and laws of thermodynamics; six Latin verb endings of the first conjugation; English grammar facts including 74 pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and other parts of speech; multiplication tables to the 15s, common squares and cubes, basic geometry formulas, and unit conversions; and all 45 U.S. presidents.

Memory Master is a program that is available to all Classical Conversations participants nationwide. Classical Conversations is an educational community providing academic programs, events, and services to homeschool families utilizing the classical education model. Classical education is based on a three-part approach to learning known as the trivium. The component of classical education for elementary age students is known as the grammar stage, which emphasizes acquisition of knowledge. The Classical Conversations of Thomasville campus also hosts a middle and high school program for homeschoolers.

To learn more about Classical Conversations, contact Jenny Connell at jennygconnell@gmail.com or visit www.classicalconversations.com.



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