Independence Day event to honor WW II veterans
MOULTRIE, Ga. — Colquitt County’s annual Independence Day Observance will honor World War II veterans as part of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. The event will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 3, at the amphitheater at the Colquitt County Courthouse. The event is sponsored by the John Benning Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution.
World War II veterans will be given special seating and will receive a memento of the occasion. Colquitt County administrator and former U.S. Army Maj. Charles H. “Chas” Cannon will speak on the impact the actions of these veterans had on shaping our world today.
Ninety-six Colquitt Countians lost their lives during this second global conflict, giving the ultimate sacrifice. Each name will be called and a bell chimed. Descendants will be asked to stand as their family member’s name is called.
“DAR has three objectives: patriotism, American history, and education,” said Nancy Coleman, regent of the John Benning Chapter. “It’s important that our children and youth know what these World War II veterans did to make America the land we love. It was not achieved without great sacrifice from the generations who have gone before us, from Revolutionary War patriots to World War veterans to service men and women today.”
The new chimes installed in the courthouse will play patriotic songs prior to the ceremony.
The program will conclude with the group singing of “God Bless America” led by Ishia Dawson and reciting The American’s Creed. U.S. flags donated by Woodmen Life Chapter 104 will be distributed.
In the event of inclement weather, the event will be held at the VFW Post 4830 located at 1114 Fifth Ave. S.E. The DAR urges all citizens to attend the event, joining together to honor our nation’s 243rd birthday.