‘Poppa D’ named the Man of the Year
THOMASVILLE — Andrea Collins barely got the first part of the introduction out when the room full of people came to their feet and delivered a standing ovation.
Collins, the Thomasville-Thomas County Chamber of Commerce executive director, said “the man of the year goes to an individual who has dedicated 47 years of service” as she began her introduction of the Community Impact Awards’ Man of the Year recipient — and Frank “Poppa D” Delaney then strode to the podium.
The longtime educator and now dean of students at Thomas County Central High School was named the Man of the Year.
“Being an educator, I have some homework for you people. And your assignment is at least one paragraph about my story,” he said. “But I’m going to give you the subject and the subject is from a plantation boy to a man of the year.”
Dara Barwick was named the Woman of the Year, and Battery Source was named the Legacy Award winner. Battery Source, founded 60 years ago and has grown to be the largest privately-owned chain of retail battery stores in the Southeast.
“I say like Poppa D that we all need some homework,” Barwick said, “and that’s to encourage and inspire and do all we can to make other people feel better.”
Taste of Thomasville Food Tour, owned by Debra Smith, was named The Small Business of the Year.
“I have six of the best guides you could ever ask for in the whole wide world,” Smith said. “I couldn’t do it without the city of Thomasville. And the Chamber — when I went to Don (Sims) seven years ago, and gave him my idea, that was 800 tours ago.”
Southern Regional Technical College was named the Large Business of the Year.
“It’s a total effort by our faculty and staff. It’s a testament to our faculty, staff and students,” said SRTC President Dr. Craig Wentworth.
Lives Without Limits, which focuses on improving the lives of individuals with physical or mental disabilities, was named the Non-Profit of the Year.
Manufacturer of the Year went to Sweet Grass Dairy, and Cadence Kidwell of Fuzzy Goat was named the Entrepreneur of the Year.
“I can’t imagine a better place to grow my business than Thomasville, Georgia,” Kidwell said. “Every day it’s a privilege to think about how to serve downtown, and it’s cliche to say it, but how to knit our way into people’s lives.”
Liz Williams was named the Bob “Hutch” Hutchinson Service Award winner, and Barbara Anderson was recognized for her years of service on the Chamber board.
Collins said the Chamber now has almost 400 members and went over the accomplishments and upcoming goals for the organization.
“We also have a new website and that technology is consistent with changing course and so is the platform for how we promote ourselves,” Collins said. “We are building partnerships by working collaboratively with our members to customize plans that support not just the Chamber’s mission but their business’ mission.”
Collins also said the Leadership Thomas program has been revitalized and a youth leadership program will be developed. It also has a Women’s Forum and is raising money for scholarships for young ladies in high school.
Editor Pat Donahue can be reached at (229) 226-2400 ext. 1806.