Cairo Newsbeat
No July 4th fireworks show
The annual fireworks show in Grady County for the Independence Day holiday, has been cancelled this year after the fireworks show vendor was forced to cancel its contract to provide the pyrotechnics due to a lack of manpower and fireworks inventory to pull off the display. The fireworks show has been an annual collaboration between the City of Cairo and Grady County Commission.
Library has teen sweepstakes this summer
The Roddenbery Memorial Library is encouraging teens to beat the heat and come enjoy all the library has to offer this summer. All teens are invited to play the Teen Survival Scratch off Sweepstakes where you could be an instant prize winner or be entered to win a grand prize. One card per day per teen when they visit the library.
Road closure near hospital begins
Grady General Hospital will begin active construction of its new skilled nursing home this week and as a result, 11th Avenue, SE, which runs along the north side of the hospital, will be closed. Driver who want to access the hospital’s front parking lot should enter from 12th Avenue, NE.
Al-Anon Chapter meets Thursdays
Does someone close to you have a drinking or drug problem? Al-Anon Family Groups have one focus: to help friends and families of alcoholics. The local group meets on Thursday at 9 a.m. at the AA clubhouse, 3351 Hwy. 84, Cairo, GA 38828. For more information call Linda at (229) 221-5469.
Artists sought for mural project
Cairo High School’s baseball stadium will soon be getting a mural of Grady County native and legendary baseball player Jackie Robinson. The project, which is a collaboration between the Grady County Archway Partnership and Cairo High School, will give local artists an opportunity to help contribute to this milestone project. Any local artist who would like to volunteer to assist with the project on June 25 and 26, which will be headed by renowned professor Dr. Joe Norman and the UGA Lamar Dodd School of Art, should email Grady County Archway Professional Whitney Brannen at
Summer meals for children available
The free summer meals programs for kids and teens, sponsored by USDA, are under way at area locations throughout Grady County. The meals are free and open to all children who are 18 and younger with no enrollment and no pre-qualifications. Meals will be available through July 2 and served at the following locations: Cairo High Cafeteria, breakfast and lunch, breakfast served from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and lunch served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Roddenbery Library, sack lunches available for pickup from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.; Washington Middle School Cafeteria, breakfast and lunch, breakfast served from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and lunch served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Southside Elementary, breakfast and lunch, breakfast served from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and lunch served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Northside Elementary, Karema Estates, Johnson’s Meat Market, Iglasia Adventist Church and Eastside Baptist Church, each child will receive four meals on Tuesday and five meals on Thursdays from a Grady County School bus which will be at each location from 11:30-12:30. If you would like more information about the USDA food distribution, please call 1-86666-3-HUNGRY.
Virtual reality play available at library
The Roddenbery Memorial Library has VR play equipment available for ages 13 and up available in the library’s Red Room. Ask a staff member for access and more information.
Cairo High Band kicks off uniform drive
The Cairo High School Band is seeking to replace the current band uniforms, which have been in service since 2003 and have kicked off a fundraising effort to purchase 200 sets of new uniforms for band members at a total cost of $80,000. The Band Boosters have been working diligently to save for new marching uniforms and around $40,000 has already been saved and the Boosters have set a five-year goal for raising the remaining funds needed. Members of the Band Boosters will begin soliciting donations from local businesses and individuals soon and ask for everyone in the community to please help with this effort.
Help agency to partially reopen in June
The Grady County Help Agency will be opening its building in June after being closed for more than a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Food will be available on Tuesday and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon for those in need with vouchers available for those in need of help with bills available on Tuesdays only. The agency’s clothing room will remain closed until July or August. For the safety of the staff and clients, only three people will be allowed into the building at a time and everyone is encouraged to please wear a mask.
All unmanned dumpster sites closed
Grady County has closed the last of its unmanned dumpster sites and replaced them with five manned garbage sites at various site through the county. The sites are located at 362 Beck Branch Rd. in Calvary, 1864 N. Broad St. in Cairo, 2377 Ridge Rd. in Cairo, 20th Street, SE in Cairo and 155 Bunn Lane in Whigham. All manned sites are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Household trash as well as white and brown goods are accepted at each of these sites. Please remember to follow all instructions concerning items that are allowed and prohibited when using the manned dumpster sites.
To submit an item to Cairo Newsbeat, contact Jeff Lovett at (229) 221-1030.