Student arrested for selling Xanax at high school

DALTON, Ga. — For the second time in the last four months, a student at Dalton High School has been arrested for selling prescription pills.

A female student with “extremely slurred” speech and “partially closed” eyes who “was swaying side to side and back and forth in her seat” said she had taken Xanax she had bought from a fellow student earlier Tuesday, according to a Dalton Police Department incident report. 

The sale of the drug on campus led to the arrest of Anthony Louis Flores, 18, of 510 N. Selvidge St. in Dalton. He was charged with drugs not kept in original container, possession of a schedule 4 drug, possession of a schedule 4 drug with the intent to distribute and possession of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school. 

In January, one student was arrested on distribution charges and two students were arrested on possession charges at the school. All three were 17 years of age or older, and other students involved in the incident received disciplinary measures from the school. The January incident also involved the sale of Xanax pills, according to two females referenced in the incident report at the time.

“What I have reminded them of is to always, always be extremely vigilant with our kids and make sure we are paying attention to what is going on,” Bartoo said. “When they see the least little thing that might be a little abnormal they are to stop what they are doing and bring it to our attention immediately. I really feel like our teachers and staff do a good job.” 

The arrest comes as the Dalton Board of Education is considering a new drug-testing program. All students who participate in extracurricular activities or apply for a parking permit on school grounds would be subject to drug testing. Superintendent Jim Hawkins said parents of students who are not involved in extracurriculars could “opt in” to the program to have their kids tested if they have concerns or worries about possible drug use. 

“It is not just us, and (prescription drug abuse) cuts all the way across generational lines and it is prevalent and we believe we have to be proactive and at least take care of what is in our responsibility,” Hawkins said. “We are trying to get everyone sensitized that the trend is going in the wrong directions across the board and across our community. I am very proud of our board and our district and our schools. We are not trying to hide it or cover it up, we are trying to address it and face it because we constantly are wanting what is best for our children.”

Bartoo said an arrest of a student with drugs isn’t his biggest fear. His biggest fear would have much deeper consequences. 

“We are always looking at ways to be very proactive, and we don’t want this at our school,” he said. “My biggest fear is that I am just really, really worried that someone is going to get really hurt. I care very much for every kid, and not just only me, but our teachers and everyone here. I don’t want to see something like this with pills where a kid will end up getting seriously hurt.”

Hawkins said the drug testing policy is something he hopes will avoid that kind of situation.

“One of our concerns is to get heightened understanding of the life-threatening consequences of decisions they (students) are just blowing off or not considering,” Hawkins said. “They feel like they are invincible. It is a nationwide problem.”

According to the report on Flores’ arrest, a school administrator said Flores had admitted to selling Xanax pills to two students at school for $5 each. Flores had given a school administrator a pill bottle with 16 bars. Flores told a police officer he had bought 25 pills for $75 at a party off campus. 

When Flores’ mother arrived at the school, he “confirmed” to her that he had sold the drugs. He was arrested and taken to the Whitfield County jail. He was released on a $5,000 bond. The pills will be sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab for positive identification. A phone number for Flores could not be found. 

The girl who had taken the drug at school was evaluated by the school nurse, released to her parents and suspended from school, Bartoo said. Flores is suspended and will be offered the opportunity to meet with a school tribunal on Wednesday. Flores, a senior member of the school’s baseball team, will not be allowed to participate in the school’s graduation ceremonies scheduled for May 26. 

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