Application of math skills = pizza party at Garrison-Pilcher
Thomas County first graders in Cyndi Tarin’s class at Garrison-Pilcher Elementary created fraction pizzas as a culminating activity to close out a fractions unit.
Students learned about and discussed dividing whole pieces into different equal amounts. Students used higher order thinking skills (HOTS) to apply their understanding of fractions by choosing to cut “pizzas” in half, fourths, and eighths. They extended their application further by using vocabulary associated with fractions.
On their posters, students were required to explain their pizza with wording such as: “My pizza has eight pieces which are also called eighths” or “My pizza has two pieces which are also called halves.”
Tarin said that the students loved getting to create and decorate their own pizzas to go along with the math unit.
Jeremiah Thompson, Carly Singletary, Sariyah Veney, Meyah Walker, Tommie Milner, Royalty Wyche, Braxton Dunn, Matthias Smith, Leland Wickham, and Jakari Tyler line up for a class display of their math creations.
Tommie Milner, Carly Singletary, Braxton Dunn, Royalty Wyche, and Jakari Tyler chop up their “toppings” with different colors of construction paper before attaching them to their circular pizzas.
Mary Grace shows off her pizza that she has divided into halves.