Mobley seeking Thomasville council seat

THOMASVILLE — A former high school principal is seeking a spot on the Thomasville City Council.  

Todd Mobley is vying for the at-large seat of the city council. 

Mobley retired as Thomasville High School principal back in May. For the last three years of his principal’s tenure, Mobley said, he was “trying to figure out a way to still give back to the community.” 

“Thomasville’s done a lot for me,” Mobley, a Thomasville native, said. 

If elected, one of Mobley’s first plans of action is to look at how the city is spending money. Mobley also wants to take a closer look at economic development. 

“We seem to be operating on ‘if we build it, they’ll come,'” he said, also noting a desired focus on attracting more big businesses to Thomasville. 

Mobley also plans to increase transparency and communication if elected to city government. 

“People need to know what is happening before it happens,” he said. “I think that everyone should have input.” 

Along with stressing the importance of input from all sides, Mobley also noted each city council member should be informed of potential projects and not just a few council members. 

The former principal led Thomasville High for 10 years and noted how he developed his leadership while at the city high school. 

“Being a good leader is surrounding yourself with good people,” Mobley said, something he used through his years at Thomasville High. 

There are a lot of improvements going on in the City of Roses, Mobley pointed out, such as a “great start” of community policing. 

“We still need to work on communication within our community,” he said. 

“I just want to make our community better,” Mobley added. “I think it’s great, but I want to make it better.” 

If elected, along with starting as a city council member, Mobley also is anticipating helping kick off “The Gathering Place,” a Christian ministry that will aim to provide mentors for students, at the beginning of the new year.  

If not elected, Mobley plans on still “being a part of Thomasville” and helping make the city better. 

Reporter Jordan Barela can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1826. 

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