Jasper city manager allegedly threatened employee with gun

JASPER, Fla. — The Jasper City Council has called a special meeting in regards to allegations against City Manager Charles Williams. 

At the April 9 meeting, City Clerk Jennifer Hightower informed the council that she filed a report with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office accusing Williams of threatening her.

Hightower stated at the meeting that Williams carries a gun in a holster at City Hall.

She said that he threatened her last week and the following day he raised his voice at her after she refused to place an item on the agenda.

She added that Williams also placed his hand on his gun.

Due to the investigation being active, HCSO could not provide The Jasper News a copy of the report. 

At the meeting, Williams stated that he was currently wearing the gun and has it on him every day. 

He also stated that he has permission to carry the gun but did not state who provided him with permission. 

According to Florida statutes, even if Williams has a license to carry a concealed weapon, it still may not be carried into a city council meeting. 

During a phone call with The Jasper News on Friday, Mayor Darnell Lumpkin said at the advice of Attorney Rhett Bullard, the council will be hiring an outside attorney to investigate the allegations against Williams. 

Lumpkin said that City Hall is supposed to be a gun-free building. 

Lumpkin added that until the investigation is complete, Hightower and Williams are alternating work days so they are not working at the same time. 

Williams told The Jasper News on Friday that Hightower’s claims are bogus. 

The special meeting will be held Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Jasper City Hall. 

The agenda includes hiring an outside attorney and employment issues.

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