Sock It To ‘Em sock drive receiving donations
TIFTON — Sock donations are pouring in for the third annual Sock It To ‘Em With Love sock drive.
Premier Drivers Academy, represented by Lashawne Graham, made a large donation Wednesday of two large bags with approximately 100 socks each inside.
The socks ranged in size from adult sizes down to infant socks, which commissioner Melissa Hughes, who picked up the donations, was very excited about.
This is the second time Premier Drivers Academy has donated to this cause, according to Hughes.
Hughes and Sharon Mathis, head volunteer for the sock drive, were very excited about the donation, and said that some of the socks were going to be going to Adel for those impacted by the storm.
Most of the socks, however, will be given out locally on Feb. 5 at Copeland Park. There will be music, food, fun and education.
Socks will be collected up through the day of the event. Collection points are the Tiftarea YMCA, The Tifton Gazette, the county commissioners’ office in the Charles Kent Administration Building and the Alternative Dispute Resolution office.