Alzheimer’s support groups merge
Beginning Thursday, July 6, two Alzheimer’s support groups will merge and will be known as the South Georgia Alzheimer’s Support Group. The meetings will be held at the Thomas County Public Library Flipper Room and lunch will be provided free of charge.
The last meeting of the Sawyer Dementia Support Group was held at Legacy Village at Plantation Manor on Monday, June 26. Founded by Betty Sawyer in January 2003, it has met each last Monday in the month for over 14 years.
Sawyer, who was director of social services at Plantation Manor, saw the need to help family members caring for a loved one with dementia. Her husband, Walter Sawyer, died in 2002 with Alzheimer’s. This painful experience arose the passion in Sawyer to start a support group.
In 2015, Judy Bauer became the group facilitator. She continued to provide excellent leadership. The group has been the largest and best attended support group in the state. Sawyer received the Horizon Award given by the Alzheimer’s Association in 2007.
The Sawyer Dementia Support Group has been fortunate to have met at the Plantation Manor, more recently named Legacy Village at Plantation Manor. Jennifer Strickland (McLendon), executive director, has been a champion of the cause. Many of her residents are support group members.
Several years ago, Dale Davidson, a local elder care attorney, began a support group through the Alzheimer’s Association.
“Combining our groups will provide more opportunities and better services for our members and our future members,” Sawyer said. “I am excited about this decision and plan to stay actively involved. My role as ambassador at Legacy Village at Plantation Manor enables me to serve even more families in need of support.”
This group meets, with lunch provided, the first Thursday of each month at the Flipper Room at 11:45 am. Call (229) 226-8183 for reservations.