Fink elected planning and zoning chairman in 5-4 vote
THOMASVILLE — Sam Fink’s first order of business as new Thomasville Planning and Zoning Commission chairman was to attend a city planning session Tuesday morning.
Fink was elected 2019 chairman Monday at his first planning and zoning meeting as a new member. He received five votes to four for Haile McCollum, 2018 chairman, who was elected 2019 vice chairman.
Lucinda Brown was elected commission secretary. Brown’s role will be to sign final plats.
Fink moved to Thomasville from Atlanta seven years ago.
He and partner Ron Arline insure Flowers Foods independent distributors of Flowers products. The insurance business is on the second floor of the restored circa 1917 Ponder’s store at the intersection of North Madison and Jefferson.
For 25 years, Fink has managed Canal Street property in New Orleans that has been in his family for 100 years. He said he is familiar with fighting zoning boards and historical societies and has experience in developing grants for historic buildings.
“I’ve been through this for years and years,” Fink said.
He said planning and zoning and other city boards need new direction.
“That’s my idea,” he added.
Fink resides at the Mitchell House condos in the same block as his insurance business. He has been president of the Mitchell House homeowners association board for three years.
Pointing out that he lives and works in downtown Thomasville, Fink said he also walks his dogs downtown.
“People are friendly,” he said, adding that such friendliness is absent in big cities. “My whole idea is to do good for everybody in the city. People don’t realize the place we have.”
While pointing out a lack of downtown parking, Fink said wants to explore the possibility of more downtown housing.
“A lot of people want to live downtown,” Fink said.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820