Tricycle races held for hunger awareness
CAIRO — Employees at Performance Food Group participated in a mini-tricycle race Friday afternoon to raise hunger awareness, and the proceeds will benefit a local charity.
September is Hunger Action Month at PFG, and to mark the occasion the company holds an annual corporate fundraiser to benefit Second Harvest of Thomas County.
“Throughout the whole month we’ve done bake sales, we’ve done volunteer hours at Second Harvest, we’ve done bingo, we’ve done all kinds of stuff here at the office just to raise money,” said Rebecca Taylor, chair of the employee engagement committee.
This year, employees nominated three managers to participate in an obstacle course while riding on Radio Flyer children’s tricycles in costume.
The event raised $700 which will be donated to Second Harvest.
“It’s just kind of comical watching them out there and seeing them, plus it’s going to a good cause,” Taylor said.
David Duff, director of national accounts, was the winner of the race.
“It was fun to do it for the cause that we did it for,” Duff said.