UDC chapter commemorates Georgia Day
Georgia Day, February 12 is the holiday which the state of Georgia recognizes in honor of its colonial founding as the Province of Georgia. On February 12, 1733, James Edward Oglethorpe landed the first settlers in the ship Anne, at what was to become Georgia’s first city (and later the state capital), Savannah. Not a public holiday, it was created by Georgia’s General Assembly, which provided February 12, “the anniversary of the landing of the first colonists in Georgia under Oglethorpe”- be observed in the public schools as Georgia Day. The law was never repealed, but it was not included in the Code when it was officially compiled in 1981.
Georgia Day is now observed on or around February 12 at the Georgia Day parade hosted by the Georgia Historical Society as part of the Georgia History Festival, a two-week celebration of Georgia history. The Georgia Historical Society is headquartered in Savannah.
John B. Gordon Chapter 383 UDC celebrates Georgia Day by sharing Georgia history in schools. Mary Margaret Quiggle and President Sheila Tucker are the co-chairs for Georgia Dayin the chapter.
Sheila Massey Tucker presented the second grade class teacher Mrs. Shea McDougald at Jerger Elementary School and her students with several educational items of interest. The students were given a Georgia history pamphlet that includes Georgia history facts, a Georgia map, Georgia flags for the classroom, two books about Georgia to be placed in the school’s library, and of course a small bag of Georgia Peanuts furnished by the Georgia Farm Bureau.
Tucker taught at Jerger Elementary School. Throughout her many years of teaching first grade she wrote many Georgia playsthat her students presented at the school. So, it gave her great pride to present these Georgia items to the school children on behalf of John B. Gordon Chapter 383.