Let the Christmas decorations begin!

“Be thankful for what you have. Your life, no matter how bad you think it is, is someone else’s fairy tale.” Wale Ayeni.

“Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year: to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow.” Edward Sandford Martin.

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner as we prepare for that “big bird” meal of the year and sharing it with family and friends, as well as taking the time to bless others who are less fortunate. However, many will get caught up in the retail battles called Black Friday and Cyber Monday while others will be visiting the home bound with a special blessing. All the while, let the decorations begin as the lights are turned on for the Christmas season.

A very common sighting this time of the year is in our expression of holiday spirit through displaying colorful lights. Christmas lights can be seen – at home, at work, in the community, on tv, etc. Such decorations help spread the holiday spirit within each of us. Little ones adore them, and older ones enjoy them! Such expressions of decoration and appreciation bring joy and gladness into our hearts. We make special trips across town and into the country simply to observe all these lighted decorations.

However, with these lights come much responsibility to insure the safety of the home, workplace and community throughout this season. Each year, fire departments regularly respond to structure fires caused by Christmas trees and faulty lighting or connections. Carefully decorating Christmas trees with appropriate lights can help make the holidays much safer.

Safety tips should be considered with the selection, placement, lighting and storage or disposal of your chosen trees. In tree selection, picking the right tree is critical.  We all want a tree that is the right size and properly shaped. Also, choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched. A trip to the tree farm aids in picking the tree of your choice which will be most fresh and healthy. If choosing from pre-cut trees, pay attention to the condition of the tree, the distance it has traveled (windage damage and drying), and the length of time that it has been cut. If you have selected an artificial tree, be sure that it is labeled, certified, or identified by the manufacturer as fire retardant.

Before placing the real tree in an appropriate, sturdy stand, saw about 1-inch from the base of the trunk to provide a fresher bottom surface for water absorption. Make sure the tree is at least three feet away from any heat source such as fireplaces, heat vents, heaters, candles or lights. Also, be sure the tree is not blocking an exit. Add sufficient water to the tree stand, check water level frequently, and add water daily throughout the duration of its use.

The decorating of the tree is the next step in this process. Use safe ornaments and lights with a label indicating approval from an independent testing laboratory. Indoor lights cannot safely be used in the outdoors. Always read the packaging to determine where your lights can be used (inside or outside).

Always replace any string of lights that has worn or broken cords or loose bulb connections. Never connect more than three strands of mini-string sets or maximum of 50 bulbs for screw-in bulbs to an individual power outlet. Use approved power strips with circuit breakers in making your connections to the power supply at the nearest electrical socket.  In addition, read the manufacturer’s instructions for the number of LED strands that can be safely connected.

Use duct tape to secure loose wires that can get in the way of people and pets moving around in a room or on a porch. Always bundle loose wires with zip ties or fasteners in a hideaway to help keep the room presentable and free of clutter. Lights use a lot of power so never overload power sockets or outlets. Be sure that the lights have proper ventilation by keeping the lights free of objects that could over-heat and start a fire.

Do not use burning candles to decorate the tree. Always turn off the Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed. Never leave burning lights home alone. If you have pets, be sure to keep them away from the decorated tree at all times. Large dogs can knock over the tree and cats (with all their curiosity) will climb the tree and cause it to tip over. Both dogs and cats will chew on the electrical cords causing problems for themselves and the home.

Once the tree has served its purpose and Christmas has passed, take the tree down before it begins to excessively drop needles. Trees that have dried out and expired become a fire hazard and should not be left in the home or garage, or placed outside against the home. Be sure to check with your local community to find a recycling program or disposable process for your tree. Properly label, wrap tangle-free and store all your electrical lights (indoors and outdoors) as you take them down after the holidays.

The cardboard box that your artificial tree came in will begin to deteriorate and encourage insect infestation over time. Select an appropriately sized bag(s) or storage box(es) for off-season storage. The benefit of using an artificial tree is that it is in sections with lights permanently attached. However, special ornaments benefit from being stored in their original packaging and placed into a larger storage box. If the original box is not available, then store smaller ornaments in an empty egg carton.

The most important things for people with natural trees are to keep them properly watered, decorated with proper and safe lighting, and knowing when to take it down after the holidays before it becomes too dry. Also, never use indoor extension cords for outside lighting, unplug light strings before changing bulbs, do not overload extension cords, replace burned-out bulbs promptly with the same wattage bulbs, and always read product safety labels before product use.

May the results of your holiday efforts be photo opps and memory-makers for seasons to come. Be aware and think safety and responsibility! Select awesome seasonal plants for the upcoming holidays. Enjoy the Christmas lights in your area. Also, plan a road trip to enjoy Christmas lights with all that splendor and beauty of the season.

Keep your hanging baskets and potted plants refreshed with water and food. Remember to feed and water the songbirds. Give your pets the care they need and do not allow them to have their way with holiday decorations. Also, be on lookout for children playing and bicyclists riding along the streets and roadways throughout our communities. Pay attention to school buses and respect their stop signs and other signals as they transport our children to and from school and home. And remember to safely share the road with motorcycles. Drive alert and arrive alive. Don’t drive distracted or impaired, and don’t text while driving.

Help the homeless every chance you get. As you receive blessings, always pay them forward. Pay for a stranger’s meal the next time you are eating out! Let’s keep everyone safe and secure while we enjoy this Thanksgiving and CHRISTmas season. May your decorating efforts provide you with an atmosphere filled with ornamental appeal and spiritual contentment. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

“Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.” Psalm 95:1-3. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:4-5.

Seagle is a Sustainability Associate, Golf Environment Organization (Scotland), Agronomist and Horticulturalist, CSI: Seagle (Consulting Services International), Professor Emeritus and Honorary Alumnus, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, Associate Editor of The Golf Course, International Journal of Golf Science, and Short Term Missionary, Heritage Church, Moultrie. Direct inquiries to csi_seagle@yahoo.com.

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