Be quick to repent, restored into fellowship
I have been asking the Lord to help me love others like He does. I realize I fall far short most days. In my daily reading, John 13 was a chapter I have had some time to meditate on this past week. John makes some observations that I have read many times but don’t think impacted me the way it did this time.
Judas was hand-picked by Jesus to be one of 12 men that Jesus would pour His life into for over three years. Judas went everywhere Jesus and the rest of the disciples went and as far as we know saw and participated in everything that the other 11 did. Jesus treated him the same way He did the others, knowing that Judas was a thief and would ultimately betray Him. Judas’ mindset was never impacted the way the other disciples were. He saw through the eyes of one who was controlled by a love of money. When Mary sacrificed her precious ointment to pour on Jesus, it was Judas who commented that it was a waste and it could have been sold and the money used for the poor (but he pilfered the money bag for his own use, according to the scriptures).
On the night that Jesus celebrated the Passover meal with them, Judas was there. Jesus washed his feet, as well as Peter’s and the rest of the disciples. He partook of the meal with them and when Jesus grieved out loud about his betrayer, John asked Him, and who is it, Lord? Jesus then did something showing His perfect love for Judas. He said, it is the one who He would give “this piece of bread, dipped in the bowl.” That particular piece of bread was “culturally an act of cherished friendship, to hand over choice bits of food to a friend. This is the love of Christ, to give food to His enemy.” (Note by author of The Passion Translation)
Further insight concerning the washing of feet adds to the magnitude of His love for His disciples, including Judas. “There never has been a nobleman, a teacher, or a king that loves His servants like Jesus.” (Note by author TPT) Peter is the only one mentioned who resisted having his feet washed until the Lord gave him insight as to the importance of His deed. He exhorted them to be willing to follow His example. “I speak to you a timeless truth: a servant is not superior to his master and an apostle is never greater than the one who sent him. So now put into practice what I have done for you, and you will experience a life of happiness enriched with untold blessings!” (Verses 16-17 TPT)
Judas participated in the supper up until the choice morsel was given to him. “And when Judas ate the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus looked at Judas and said, ‘What you are planning to do, go do it now.” (Verse 27 TPT) What a sobering verse of scripture. Could Judas have repented at any time prior to this time? I believe he could have. Could he have repented after Satan entered him? I do not know but he did not repent. After he betrayed his friend, he realized that he was just a pawn in the hands of Jesus’ enemies. He was remorseful but he still did not repent, but rather committed suicide.
Peter, on the other hand, stated he was so committed to Jesus he would die for Him. And yet, a few hours later, he ran like the rest of them and left Jesus there alone. Shortly after that, he denied his Savior three times with curses. He quickly realized he did exactly what Jesus said he would do and wept bitter tears. I believe they were tears of repentance. Later, after the resurrection, Jesus personally spent time with Peter and restored and recommissioned him. He was forgiven and became one of the boldest witnesses for Christ. He would die a martyr’s death when the time came thus fulfilling his original statement that he would die for Him. Could it have ended the same way for Judas?
Each one of us has been given opportunities to deny our Lord and yes, even to betray Him. Our God created each of us in His image and part of that is a free will to choose whether we will follow Him fully or not. Even when we make horrible mistakes we can be forgiven and reinstated into right relationship with Him. Don’t ever let our enemy convince us that what we have done is unforgivable. If there is any conviction or remorse, that comes because of the grace of God. Be quick to repent and be restored into fellowship. Don’t let the enemy take what belongs to you as a redeemed son or daughter of God and render you ineffective for the Kingdom of God.