The pearl of great price

I am a “Pearl Girl.” If you offer me expensive fine jewels, I will always choose simple pearls. Perhaps it’s the influence of Coco Chanel or the 24 first ladies who made pearls an official part of their wardrobes that keep me fascinated. Audrey Hepburn, Queen Elizabeth, Rihanna, Katy Perry, Diana, Marilyn, Kate Middleton, and Lady Mary of Downton Abbey are all famous pearl girls.

When my granddaughters entered double digits, I gave them a set of costume pearl earrings, bracelet, and necklace  as a  starter for their grownup wardrobe. Every southern girl needs pearls to wear with her jeans — just ask Reese Witherspoon, who credits her grandmother with her love of pearls. 

Through the years I have discovered the history of pearls, their struggle to exist and their Biblical importance. It is a message that keeps speaking to me whenever I slip my pearls around my neck. Deep in the ocean the pearl story begins. A pearl is formed when an irritant, such as a parasite or piece of shell becomes lodged in an oyster’s soft inner body. A crystalline substance called nacre is secreted in layers to cover the irritant, forming a pearl. This is one of nature’s greatest miracles. Unlike gemstones that are mined from the earth, a living organism produces a pearl. Pearl harvesting is a dangerous pursuit with divers risking their lives at depths of up to 100 feet to find only three or four quality pearls out of a ton of oysters! 

A pearl is a valuable treasure that needs no polishing or cutting by man. It comes complete created by God in nature. It personifies wisdom gained through experience. It is symbolic of the wearer’s loyalty, integrity, generosity, and purity. In the book of Matthew, it is used in a parable to represent the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 13:45-46 NLT,  “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant on the lookout for choice pearls.  When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!” We are challenged in this passage to give all that we have and all that we are for our place in the Kingdom of Heaven. It is the biggest and best jewel we will ever own. A pearl of great price can only be purchased with the complete surrender of everything we are and everything we ever will be to God.

In Revelation 21:21 the gateway to heaven is described  as “the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each gate being made from a single pearl.” The entrance into heaven is through the pearl of great price created by the pain and suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary and purchased by our total surrender. Although the “pearly gates” are often used informally in poems and songs as a place to aspire to, it is Biblically a place, an entrance we get too through complete surrender.

Through the ages beautiful women and handsome rulers have worn pearls. Known as the “Queen of Gems” and officially the world’s oldest gem, pearls were revered long before written history. It is believed they were discovered by people searching for food along the seashore. 

Are you searching for spiritual food? Are you looking for the pearl of great price? As Christians we can wear pearls as a testimony that we have found our relationship with Jesus and our place of surrender. It is good to be a “Pearl Girl or Guy” in the Kingdom of Heaven.  

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