Animal oxygen masks donated to Thomasville Fire/Rescue
THOMASVILLE — Thomasville Fire/Rescue recently received donations donors and firefighters hope are never used.
Thomasville residents Zach and Stacy Wheeler donated a dozen kits containing animal oxygen masks to be used if an animal is rescued from a fire.
The donations include a kit for each rescue truck.
“There are three sizes in each kit,” Zach Wheeler said.
The Wheelers heard about a similar donation in Valdosta and wanted to do the same for Thomasville Fire/Rescue.
People love their animals, the couple said, and the masks are a way to help them survive in a time of dire need.
“It’s a great asset to the community,” Tim Connell, fire/rescue fire marshal, said.
Animals are not often rescued from fires, Connell said, but the masks could have been used in a late 2017 house fire in which a number of cats perished.
“It’s a great thing. It really is,” Connell said, in reference to the masks.
Masks were donated to fire/rescue years ago, but they deteriorated over time.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820