Garden Club hosts Petite Flower Show
TIFTON — The Tifton Council of Garden Clubs will be having a NGCG Petite Flower Show, “Plant America-Every Little Seed and Every Little Plant Counts!,” this Wednesday April, 25, 2-4 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn.
The show features small floral designs 8” and under and beautiful horticulture no taller than 8”.
Feature judges are President of the Garden Club of Georgia Jane Hershey, Camellia District Director Helen Huddleston, Magnolia District Director Jean O’Shields, and past Garden Club of Georgia President Martha Price.
National Garden Club of Georgia Judges and Tifton Master Judges are Connie Ewing, Karen Hendrix, Genie McCook and Virginia Pennington.
Pennington is also 2nd vice-president of Garden Club of Georgia.
The show is open to the public and is free of charge.
Hilton Garden Inn is located at 201 Boo Drive.