City ‘strongly encourages’ bagging of household garbage
THOMASVILLE — Thomasville does not have an ordinance requiring bagging of household garbage, but the practice is strongly encouraged.
Depositing unbagged garbage in a city trash receptacle creates a breeding ground for fly larvae, or maggots, and other insects, said Nate Tyler, City of Thomasville solid waste director/landfill manager.
Bagging is particularly important during summer months. Tyler suggested residents use chlorine bleach and rinse out trash receptacles monthly.
“It helps with maintenance of the can,” he said.
Bagging also helps control litter when trash receptacles are lifted by mechanical arms and dumped into the rear of trash trucks. Loose materials might not go into the hopper, Tyler said, adding that “peanut” foam packing material is a big culprit in unbagged garbage.
“Bagging helps us ensure we get it all in and not litter as we go along,” he said.
City household garbage pickup is mandatory. The back-door service costs $13.12 monthly.
Bagging of garbage is mandatory for commercial waste receptacles. The requirement is based on the state health and sanitation code.
City garbage crews will not pick up trash left outside a residential receptacle. Debris must be in the trash can unless it is bagged and marked with overflow strips.
The strips, which cost $2.26 each, are placed on extra bags of refuse.
“They will be picked up, too,” Tyler said.
The strips may be purchased from a cashier at the city administration building, 111 Victoria Place.