Boys & Girls Club opens its doors for remote learning site

THOMASVILLE — Marguerite Neel Williams Boys & Girls Clubs is excited to announce that the Club will open as a Virtual Site for Club members during the 2020-21 school year.  

With parents scrambling to make hard decisions about sending their children back to school, MNW Boys & Girls Clubs has decided to extend their services by opening its doors as a virtual learning site. 

“Our mission is to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. We want our Club members to succeed; and, we want to help our parents as much as possible during these uncertain times,” said Lee Wagner, MNWBGC CEO. “This is why we are excited to open as a remote learning site for our members. Our staff will supervise the virtual classes and offer subject content help.”

VICE, Virtual Instruction & Commitment to Education, is for Club members ages 6-18, and will begin Tuesday, September 8 from 7:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. For now, the Club has room for 40 members but might expand depending on space and demand. A one-time $10 deposit and a weekly fee of $10 per child or $35 per month is required from September-May. Limited scholarship assistance is available.

MNW Boys & Girls Clubs has hired additional staff to lead the VICE initiative. The instructors will help guide the youth through their virtual schooling while helping them stay on track to so they don’t fall behind.

The afterschool program will also begin on September 8, at 3 p.m. and is open to ages 6-18, with limited spots available.

For more information about VICE and the afterschool program, contact Youth Center Director Marvin Davis at (229) 228-5155 ex. 105, Teen Center Director Saundra Austin at (229) 228-5155 ex. 103, or the administrative office at (229) 228-5155 ex. 101.

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