Drugs in ceiling leads to arrest
THOMASVILLE, Ga. — Continued undercover purchases and a drug agent’s keen eye in the field led to a recent arrest of three people, which was the second for one suspect.
Melvin Douglas Knuckles Jr., was out on bond on a possession charge from a March arrest, according to Louis Schofill, Thomas County/Thomasville Narcotics/Vice Division commander.
“Agents had brought drugs from his residence,” Schofill said of the first arrest.
A search warrant for Knuckles’ Fern Street home was secured, Schofill said, after “agents had continued to buy drugs from his residence.”
“There were multiple people there that had drugs,” the drug squad commander added.
A “very observant agent,” Schofill said, spotted a footprint on a piece of furniture during the search.
An amount of methamphetamine and cocaine packaged for sale was recovered in the ceiling, according to Schofill.
Devontae Ticarius Moore and Brown Hollis Patterson, also present during the search, were both charged with possession of marijuana with intent. Patterson also was charged with firearm possession by a convicted felon.
Knuckles was charged with possession with intent for both recovered drugs.
Reporter Jordan Barela can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1826.