Meigs Council talks police department

MEIGS — The City of Meigs is looking to address, and perhaps correct, issues with the town’s police department. 

On Thursday, the Meigs City Council conducted a workshop on the matter. 

“We want to talk about our police department tonight because we are all concerned about it,” Meigs Mayor Cheryl Walters said. 

The bulk of discussion was of staffing the small Thomas County town’s police force. 

Interim Police Chief Darrell Laster, who took the position after Gary Price’s resignation, told council members he would like to remain part-time. 

“It’ll save the city money not paying me as a (full-time) chief,” Laster said, also noting he would still have the responsibility of a chief. 

Walters said Laster would not be required as full-time, adding smaller towns often have part-time police chiefs.  

Laster suggested a full-time officer. 

“We can be more adamantly covered with a three-man force with a full-time officer,” he said. 

Council member Tommy White agreed with the need for a full-time officer. 

Laster noted the difficulty of recruiting more officers for the police department due to Meigs’ reputation, but a part-time officer has been hired, along with a reserve officer.  

Other workshop discussion included the GPS units in the police department’s vehicles. 

According to workshop correspondence, the City of Meigs pays $74.85 a month for the city’s contract with WiarCom, Inc. for the units. 

Laster said previously the units do not work. 

Discussion included forwarding the information on the units to City Attorney Tom Lehman, as the city cannot terminate the contract. 

Council members voted to install the units in the vehicles to keep tabs on the officers back in March 2016, according to a Times-Enterprise article. 

Reporter Jordan Barela can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1826. 

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