Broadway adds to crowns
Reagan Lee Broadway recently added the title of 2017 Little Mss Georgia Strawberry Princess to her list of pageant crowns.
Broadway, 4-year-old daughter of Matt and Morgan Broadway of Boston, recently competed in the prestigious Miss Georgia Peach pageant.
She placed second runner-up in the pageant. which draws the best of the best contestants from throughout the state.
The Georgia Peach Queens serve as the official ambassadors of the Georgia Peach Festival and peach industry and are honored by the Georgia House, Senate and governor.
The annual event is held in March at Fort Valley State University.
The pageant has been in existence for more than 25 years.
Broadway attends Jerger Elementary in Thomasville and is the 2017 Tiny Miss Albany.
Broadway is also 2017 Miss Conyers Cherry Blossom 4-7 Grand Supreme, among many other titles. She will be competing in many more pageants this year.