Bass appointed Municipal Court solicitor
THOMASVILLE — Thomasville City Council on Monday unanimously appointed John W. Bass Jr. Thomasville Municipal Court solicitor.
Bass was appointed solicitor two years ago upon the death of Jay Fielding, former Municipal Court solicitor. Bass’ current term ends Nov. 28.
The solicitor annual salary is $23,040 for the part-time position.
In other Monday action — all with unanimous votes — council members:
• Approved a resolution between the city and the Georgia Department of Community Affairs to maintain Thomasville’s designation as a PlanFirst Community for three years. The status provides annual Community Development Block Grant eligibility and a reduced interest rate on state loans, among other benefits.
• Approved two inter-participant Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG) agreements.
Each MEAG participant is required to maintain a percentage of reserve electrical capacity. A number of the 49 cities fall short of the need and requirement, said Chris White, executive director city public utilities. To help alleviate large capital investment of those cities, MEAG allows transfer of the capacity and reserve requirements from cities that have excess capacity to those that fall short.
“These credits reduce some of Thomasville’s fixed electric cost, which ultimately reduces energy cost to customers. Thomasville has ‘sold off’ excess capacity for a number of years,” White said.
• Approved a retail and consumption of beer and wine license and catering for beer and wine license for World’s End Tavern LLC, 1332 W. Jackson St.
• Awarded a contract to Marsh & McLennan, also known as J. Smith Lanier, for city employee group benefits and insurance broker.
• Approved a bid of $28,680 from H & H Paving Co. at Quitman for Remington Avenue asphalt sewer patching. H & H also was awarded a bid of $40,070 for paving at the city electric pole yard.
• Approved a bid submitted by RPI of Valdosta to replace two lift stations. Council awarded the work to RPI for a bid of $643,922.90.
Senior reporter Patti Dozier can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1820