DAR recognizes three-war veteran from Norman Park

NORMAN PARK, Ga. — The John Benning chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution recently recognized a veteran who served in three wars.  

Joe Dorsey joined the U.S. Coast Guard at age 17, near the end of World War II. He served as a low range radar navigator. After the war, Dorsey enlisted in the U.S. Navy. He served two tours in Korea and two in Vietnam before retiring after 24 years and returning home to Norman Park.  

The DAR presented Dorsey with a World War II Veterans pin and a Vietnam War 50th Commemoration pin. This presentation was part of the organization’s mission to recognize World War II veterans as a part of the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, which signified the beginning of the end of World War II, and to recognize Vietnam veterans as part of the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War, according to chapter Regent Nancy Coleman.

DAR honored seven World War II veterans at the Independence Day event on the Courthouse Square. Vietnam veterans were recently honored at the USO Tribute Show sponsored by the chapter and the Colquitt County Arts Center. DAR and the Arts Center are also collaborating on a Quilts of Valor presentation and exhibit. The quilt show will open on Oct. 3 with the presentation of 18 Quilts of Valor to veterans who have been touched by war. The exhibit will be at the Arts Center and will run through Nov. 4.

In December the chapter will coordinate the local observance of Wreaths Across America, a national effort to place wreaths on the graves of as many veterans as possible. Wreaths will be available for purchase in the coming weeks, Coleman said. The nationwide wreath laying ceremony will be on Saturday, Dec. 14.

Daughters of the American Revolution is a women’s service organization dedicated to education, historic preservation and patriotism. One of the main missions of the group serving veterans and  active military, Coleman said. For additional information about DAR and its programs, contact the local chapter at  nancycolemandar@windstream.net

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