Deputies talk armed man into surrendering

DALTON, Ga. — An armed man who vowed to a Whitfield County deputy “This ain’t gonna end good” spent several days in jail the after a brief standoff ended Thursday that resulted in no injuries.

Robert James Harrison Jr., 51, of 112 Lillian Drive in Dalton, was given a $25,000 bond in Superior Court on Tuesday after being charged by the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office with aggravated assault (family violence, gun), terroristic threats and acts, possession of a firearm during commission of a felony and false imprisonment. As of Tuesday afternoon, he was still in jail.

Seven deputies and a patrol unit lieutenant eventually responded to help deescalate the situation that started with a call to 911 by the daughter of Harrison’s wife, according to an incident report. After threats of violence from Harrison as well as a gun being involved in the situation, deputies were able to talk Harrison into surrendering in less than 30 minutes.

Every situation is different and you have to handle each situation differently,” WCSO patrol division Capt. Clay Pangle said. “I think they did an excellent job of not pushing the issue and waiting, and the outcome was excellent and about as good as you could expect for all of them. No one got hurt, so that is the best resolution you can hope for.”

The daughter of Harrison’s wife had called 911, saying she was talking on the phone with her mother while on the way to pick her up when she heard screaming between her mother and step-father before the call was disconnected.

Deputy Jennifer Cameron originally responded and when she knocked on the door, she noted in the report her knock was answered with a knock back. When she asked Harrison to open the door, he said he wouldn’t open up without a warrant. Cameron said she needed to check on Harrison’s wife, but he refused to open the door and said he would “only speak through the door because he ‘was not going to jail.’”

Cameron continued to talk to Harrison and asked him to let his wife come out on the porch, but he refused, saying, “Nope, I can’t do it.” While Cameron was radioing to dispatch, Harrison screamed, “Get off my porch. I’m telling you for the last time!” and said, “This ain’t gonna end good.”

The report doesn’t say how long, but Harrison eventually cracked the door to let his wife out with her oxygen and then shut the door again.

Getting the woman away from the porch, Cameron learned Harrison had a pistol on him and the wife said it was loaded. She said the pair had been arguing over a “negative post on Facebook,” and he had unplugged the phone while she was talking with her daughter. The wife also said Harrison had threatened to shoot law officers if they showed up to check on her and had held the gun to her head and told her she “wasn’t leaving.” She said he took her checkbook and her credit card out of her purse and said, “You’re not going anywhere without this.”

The wife said she told Harrison her daughter was coming to get her, and he said,”Well, she better bring the cops with her.” She told him that deputies were on the way, and he said, “Well, I’ll just shoot her too.”

Deputies began taking cover after being told of Harrison’s gun, but Harrison came to the front door and started talking with Sgt. Sean O’Mahoney. Harrison denied putting a gun to his wife’s head, but he did tell O’Mahoney he had a gun in his back pocket. When O’Mahoney told him to step out of the house and show him his hand which was behind the door, Harrison slammed the door shut. He opened it back up and told deputies they were trespassing and then asked, “How do you want this to end?”

O’Mahoney had his Taser drawn with Cameron behind him with her pistol drawn, when Lt. Dakota Boling arrived and provided cover with his rifle. Boling’s report said when O’Mahoney was getting in position to deploy his Taser, Harrison went back into the house. All of the deputies then moved back from the house and other deputies arrived to help form a perimeter around the house.

Eventually, Boling got Harrison on the phone and convinced him to come out of the house and surrender. “All deputies approached him with their guns drawn until he was detained and searched,” Cameron’s report said.

According to Pangle, the time from Cameron arriving to the time Harrison surrendered to Boling was 29 minutes.

While he was talking with Harrison, Boling noted that Harrison’s “mental state was concerning.” Deputies searched the house and found a .38-caliber Charter Arms “Pink Lady” revolver and bullets in the refrigerator.

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