Throwing Jesus a birthday party

I had a Jesus birthday party on Christmas with some of the single men in our church. Although more were invited, the five who came showed up with hearty appetites. I told them this would probably be a different Christmas dinner than they were used to. We started the meal with a “toast” (a non-alcoholic bubbly grape drink) to Jesus and gave Him thanks and praise for coming to be our Savior. After the meal I had made a birthday cake that said “Happy Birthday Jesus” with three white candles honoring the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We sang “Happy Birthday” to Him. 

Last year at this time, two of the men were struggling with alcohol addiction. Another one refused to participate with his small extended family (he is very dysfunctional — at 28 he has serious disabilities and also lost both of his parents when he was only 25) so he had no Christmas. (We all made it up to him this year). Another one is almost a total recluse but loves a good meal and fellowship when offered. The other man who struggled many years himself with addictions, has now opened a home for men who want to be free (two of them came with him). He is giving these men an opportunity to be mentored and become stable and free from old addictions. It was an interesting mix for sure. 

I shared my own testimony and told how precious Jesus continues to become to me. As days grow darker and as I grow older, I am more and more aware that He is really the only thing that I can put my total trust in. For me, He cannot just be a minor part of my life. Although I enjoy life and all the many opportunities I have to experience so many diverse interests that are available, I can truly say, nothing else satisfies my soul like Jesus does! Truly, the longer I serve (know) Him the sweeter He grows.

Religion, even Christian religion, is not going to be enough to get us through the years that are now before us. I am seeing more and more division amongst those who call themselves Christian. Politics, social justice, animal rights, climate change thinking not only are dividing our nation generally speaking, but these spheres as well as others are dividing families and churches. One minister feels like it is going to be a “revolutionary war” not totally unlike the earlier one. Verbal attacks may replace armies and guns, but they seem to be doing just as much harm, especially when our media adds their biased fuel to the fires that are raging all around us.

I have been pondering how a whole generation of young people has been systematically taught that God is at best irrelevant but He may not even really exist, at least as a benevolent being who wants to have relationship and communion with His creation. Jesus made some pretty bold claims and to totally ignore them is beyond my comprehension. That He was a real, historical figure has plenty of verification. So, if He claimed to be God, our Savior and the Truth then we have only two choices. Either He was a liar and a deceiver or He is who He claims to be. To ignore His claims without serious thought as to what He claimed seems like foolishness to me. There is more scientific and historic evidence to His claims that can be verified by the true seeker. Many have just chosen to ignore His claims or believe what someone else has told them without really investigating the evidence themselves.

I enjoy the Christmas season with my family as well but this year with so many coming and going at different times it was not just one family gathering but rather a number of smaller ones or intentional time spent with several. Our conversations are usually just catching up with one another since many are living some distance away and we do not see each other very often any more. I am grateful we can get together and that we love each other. So many do not have that family dynamic and it saddens me for them. But even the recluse and the orphan and the overcoming addicts can come together at one table and share the love of God with one another. We are a family that is much more diverse than our natural families and yet we can develop a love and respect for one another based solely on our spiritual relationship that unites under the banner of His amazing Love. These relationships are eternal too!

I am so glad I decided to throw Jesus a party this year — after all since He lives inside of each of us as believers, we were also celebrating one another. I hope you were able to celebrate The Reason for the Season too.

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