Schools to celebrate PB&J Day
ATLANTA — The Georgia Department of Agriculture and Commissioner Gary W. Black have announced National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day will be Wednesday, March 15. The day will revolve around the education of students on one of Georgia’s top commodities, peanuts.
“We will be doing cross-promotion with peanut and dairy farmers because there is no greater pair than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a glass of ice-cold milk,” says Andy Harrison, director of commodities promotion. “The celebration bonds two of Georgia’s major farm commodities, dairy and peanuts, which are both vital in overall nutrition.”
Cafeteria promotions will feature a peanut-driven menu and celebrity readers will be encouraged to read Janet Nolan’s “PB&J Hooray!” to elementary students. Georgia’s peanut farmers will be highlighted in class lessons to strengthen the connection from peanuts traveling from the farm to the table.
Colquitt County School cafeterias will promote this day at each school site. Hamilton Elementary School will be the focus school with a member of Commissioner Black’s office on hand to help serve PB&J sandwiches and a cold cup of Sparkman’s Dairy milk at lunch. Classroom teachers will receive educational packets of information about Georgia commodities, and the book PB&J Hooray!, by Janet Nolan will be donated to the Hamilton School media center for students’ enjoyment. “It is our pleasure to host this opportunity in Colquitt County School cafeterias. Georgia grown commodities such as peanuts and dairy items are important products in school cafeterias; and student favorites when on the menu. The nutritional value of both items is beneficial to our diets, with recent dietary reports supporting the need for more consumption of nuts such as peanuts, walnuts, pecans, etc.,” stated Monika W. Griner, Director of School Nutrition in Colquitt County.
The following seven county school systems are participating in the Peanut Butter and Jelly Day celebration: Colquitt, Decatur, Early, Miller, Mitchell, Seminole and Worth. There are 45 districts within these counties who will be educating over 25,000 students on locally grown commodities.
The Georgia Department of Agriculture is promoting National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day as a pilot program to begin highlighting the regions that are home to Georgia’s top producing commodities.