Cairo Newsbeat
Fireworks return for 4th of July
The July 4th holiday will again feature the thrill of fireworks in Cairo as the City of Cairo, Grady County government and several local businesses and contributors are coming together to help sponsor the annual fireworks show above West Thomas Stadium at Cairo High School. The stadium will open at 8 p.m. this Thursday for anyone who wishes to watch the fireworks from the football seats and there is no admission charge. The fireworks will begin at approximately 9:30 p.m.
Storytime for children is Tuesdays and Thursdays
Officials of Roddenbery Memorial Library remind everyone that now that renovations are complete at the library, there are several programs held in the library’s Children’s Room. Terrific Tales Storytime for ages 3-5 is held every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Plus the Mother Goose Club has stories for children, ages birth to 3, on Thursdays at 11 a.m. All area children and their parents are invited to attend.
Repairs close history museum
The Grady County Museum and History Center has been closed for tours temporarily due to repairs that are being done to the building as the result of damage from recent storms. The staff is working to have repairs made as soon as possible and apologizes for any inconvenience.
Al-Anon chapter meets Thursdays
Does someone close to you have a drinking or drug problem? Al-Anon Family Groups have one focus — to help friends and families of alcoholics. The local group meets in Cairo on Thursdays at 9 a.m. at the AA clubhouse, 3351 Hwy. 84, Cairo, Ga 38828. For more information call Linda at (229) 221-5469.
Holiday changes garbage pickup date
The City of Cairo’s offices will be closed this Thursday for the holiday and the garbage collection schedule has also been changed for the week of July 1-5. Residents how normally have their garbage picked up on Thursdays will receive service on Wednesday. The remainder of the week’s schedule will remain unchanged.
Annual cleanup at Pallbearers Cemetery
Operation Clean Up for Pallbearers Cemetery will be held this Saturday, July 6 starting at 8 a.m. Volunteers are asked to meet at the cemetery, which is located on GA. Hwy. 112 North, to help clean and beautify the graves of the loved ones buried there. Please remember to bring saws, rakes, wheelbarrows, trash bags, trimmers, blowers and lawn mowers for the cleanup. Lunch will be served to all of the volunteers. For information, contact Lannis Thornton Sr. at 378-4430.
Library needs volunteers
Roddenbery Memorial Library is seeking volunteers to assist with important community projects. As the renovation to the main library building is complete, volunteers are needed to help teach arts and to help with the summer lunch program. If you would like to assist the library, contact Jessica Wilson at 377-3632, ext 111.
American Legion encourages vets to join
The American Legion Post No. 122 invites all area veterans, young and old, to be a part of their organization which meets the second Tuesday night of each month at the Masonic Lodge in Cairo at 7. There is a meeting served and all veterans are welcome to join the legion for fellowship and support.
To submit an item to Cairo Newsbeat, email Jeff Lovett at or call (229) 221-1030.