Florida Folk Festival canceled
WHITE SPRINGS, Fla. — The Coronavirus (COVD-19) virus claimed a major victim Friday: the Florida Folk Festival.
The Folk Festival, which is held annually at the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park in White Springs, was canceled Friday night.
“It is with deep regret we announce the cancellation of the 2020 Florida Folk Festival,” organizers said, announcing the cancellation. “The health and safety of our participants and visitors is foremost in our minds.”
Those that have already purchased tickets to attend the festival will be refunded.
People are also encouraged to mark their calendars for May 28-30, 2021, for next year’s Folk Festival.
The Florida State Parks were closed to the public beginning this past Monday in order to follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Gov. Ron DeSantis to limit gatherings to fewer than 10 people.
The Department of Environmental Protection, in announcing the close of the parks, said it took measures to continue providing recreational opportunities by limiting park hours and reducing capacity at the parks, but it wasn’t effective in helping to “best protect public health and safety.”