Colquitt County resident heading to inauguration
MOULTRIE, Ga. — A woman who served as a Republican delegate from Thomasville before moving to Colquitt County is on her way to Washington, D.C., to watch Donald Trump’s inauguration.
Linda McCormick served as a delegate to help nominate Trump while living in Thomasville.
“It was one of those things where I wanted to see it all the way through,” she said by phone Wednesday from somewhere on the road to the nation’s capital.
McCormick said she’d never been to Washington but she was meeting her son there to attend Friday’s festivities. She said she’d contacted several representatives to try to get tickets to various events but got no response. Some events, though, have free, standing-room tickets that will be available Friday morning, so she was still expecting to participate.
McCormick said she’d been interested in politics since the 1980s and worked on the Mitt Romney campaign four years ago. This time aroiund, Trump was actually her second choice. She preferred Dr. Ben Carson, who Trump has chosen to be his secretary of Housing and Urban Development. One reason for her choices: Neither had been in politics before his presidential run.
“I like that aspect, getting it back to the people,” she said.
She said the Founding Fathers didn’t envision politicians making their elected offices a career. Governance was supposed to be a service to the country that people gave for a few years, after which they stepped aside to let someone else have a go.
McCormick said she’s expecting — at least hoping for — civility from all sides during the inauguration.
Citing President Barack Obama — whose inauguration she had planned to attend before family illness prevented it — McCormick said, “Just because you disagree with someone, don’t talk about them on the Internet, get out and talk with them.”