Horne disqualified from Cairo Council race
CAIRO — Jeremiah Horne has been disqualified from running for Cairo City Council, following city elections superintendent Dana Barfield’s ruling Thursday afternoon.
Barfield ruled that Horne is not a resident nor has a domicile in Cairo’s District 4.
Incumbent Jimmy Douglas, who is running for re-election, challenged Horne’s candidacy and Barfield conducted a hearing Wednesday evening at Cairo City Hall.
In Barfield’s ruling, she found that Horne submitted a voter registration card, driver’s license, motor vehicle registration, billing notice and a Grady County Tax Assessor’s information card showing the address for a mobile home on 7th Avenue in Cairo as evidence of residency at his Highway 84 address.
The building at 745 Highway 84 East “is of a commercial nature, located in a highway commercial zone, and not of a residential nature,” Barfield wrote. “It would not be defined as a home.”
Barfield added that Horne admitted he maintained a home on Highway 93 North, which is outside the city limits.