Church briefs
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church is holding an ordination service for Trustee Hozell Hester and Trustee Rufus Kimble at 4 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 10. The guest speaker is Minister Bruce L. Francis of Cairo.
Coolidge Baptist presents patriotic musical
At 11 a.m., Sunday, Sept. 10, the Coolidge Baptist Church choir will present the patriotic musical, “In God We Trust.”
“This musical was written to celebrate our country’s heritage and freedom and to honor our local law enforcement, fire fighters, emergency rescue personnel, both current and past, as well as our military personnel and veterans,” Coolidge Baptist Minister of Music William Majors said. “We are inviting anyone, everyone, working with law enforcement or emergency services, and anyone in military service to join us Sunday morning. Through our music we want to recognize these folks and their sacrifices.”
Coolidge Baptist has a new pastor, the Rev. Adam Gilligan. Gilligan took over the pastorate of Coolidge Baptist in April of this year. He explained that the church is sharing the patriotic musical this Sunday, Sept. 10, in honor and remembrance of Sept. 11, 2001. “We want to bring our community together as we remember the events surrounding 9/11,” Gilligan said.
For more information, call Music Minister William Majors, (229) 221-5426, or Pastor Adam Gilligan, (229) 977-5363. Coolidge Baptist is located at 2068 E. Verbena Ave. in Coolidge.
Founder’s day
Clifford Temple Missionary Society is observing Founder’s Day at 6 p.m., Sept. 16 at the church. The event is open to the public.
A deacon ordination service for Brothers Hozell Hester and Rufus Kimble is at 4 p.m., Sunday at Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church. The speaker is the Rev. Bruce L. Francis of Cairo. The service is open to the public, according to the pastor, the Rev. Curnell Henry.
Anniversary program
Members of Saint John AME Church of Boston are concluding their 150th church anniversary at 3 p.m., Sunday. The Rev. Bennie Calloway and Trinity M.B. Church is in charge of the service.
Apostolic Temple of Refuge, 1425 Martin Luther King Drive, Bainbridge, is holding a revival at 7:30 p.m., Sept. 13-15. The speaker is Apostle Kiyo Smith.
Anniversary program
Summerhill Baptist Church members are celebrating their church’s 164th anniversary at 10 a.m., Sunday. The speaker is Brother Don Warren and the Plath Family will be in concert. Dinner follows the service. The church is located at 7186 Summerhill Rd., Boston. For information, call 227-0074 or 224-1129 or email