Church briefs
First African Baptist Church will celebrate Pastor Spencer Wilson’s second anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 24. Pastor Chuck Dunbar and First A.B. Church will be in charge at 11 a.m. and Pastor the Rev. Dr. Emory Virgil and Providence M.B. Church will be in charge of services at 3 p.m. The theme is Black History.
The missionaries of Clifford Temple Missionary Baptist Church are holding a Red and White program at 6 p.m., Feb. 16. The speaker is the Rev. Stacey L. Capers.
The Youth Department of the Thomasville Missionary Baptist Association will present its annual Pre-Valentine’s Program at 5 p.m., on Sunday, Feb. 10, at Willow Head Missionary Baptist Church.
The church, 615 E. Calhoun St., where the Rev. William C. Brinson is church pastor and association moderator.
The City-Countywide Fellowship meeting is at 3 p.m., Sunday at Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 515 N. Oak St., the host church. A reception will follow the event.
Fish fry
Pleasant Hill CME Church members are holding their annual community fish fry from 1 to 3 p.m., Saturday. The church is located at 5530 Hwy. 93 South.
St. Mark AME Church, 700 Lester St., is holding its annual Men’s Day program at 3 p.m., Feb. 17. The guest speaker is the Rev. Hardy Clayton of New Covenant Center.