Cairo Council approves solid waste privatization agreement
CAIRO — Cairo officials finalized its privatization move for the city’s solid waste program Monday night.
The Cairo City Council unanimously approved an agreement with Taylor Waste Services for the city’s solid waste collection and disposal.
“It’s a done deal,” Mayor Robert Burns said after approval.
Prior to approval, the council discussed specifics of the agreement.
Council member Jimmy Douglas questioned the 5 a.m. deadline of receptacle curb and right-of-way collection before pickup.
Chris Taylor, owner of Taylor Waste Services, said a time frame for pickup was needed for the agreement.
“As far as starting, we won’t start before 7 (a.m.,)” he said.
Other concerns raised about the agreement included the instance of pickup of downed limbs from weather events and the schedule of solid waste pickup at certain areas in the city.
Council member Jerry Cox raised concerns about a transfer point with Taylor Waste Services.
“I want us to address that in public,” he said.
The council also questioned if Taylor could meet the suggested start date of Sept. 1.
“We’re ready to go,” he said.
Booker Gainor, who is seeking the mayor’s seat in the November election, questioned if the move to solid waste privatization would result in a rate increase in other city utilities. City Manager Chris Addleton noted there would not be an increase.
“We’re not losing our revenue from trash collections,” Douglas pointed out.
The Cairo City Council conducted a July 18 workshop to discuss changes and additions to the contract prior to finalizing.
Reporter Jordan Barela can be reached at (229) 226-2400, ext. 1826.