UDC members visit Cannonball House
The Georgia Division UDC held its yearly Executive Board and District Meetings in Macon with three representatives from Thomasville’s John B. Gordon Chapter 383 in attendance. Chapter President Mary Margaret Quiggle, chapter Treasurer Franci Carter and chapter Third Vice President Sheila Tucker attended.
The members went a day earlier so that they could tour a few places of historical interest. One of the highlights of touring included visiting the Museum of History and Culture of the well-known Cannonball House. This house was built in 1853 and was the town home of Judge Asa Holt and his wife. The reason the house has been named so is because it was struck by a Union missile during Gen. George Stoneman Jr.’s raid on Macon in 1864.
It was purchased 100 years later by the UDC and has been saved from destruction. It is now owned by the Friends of the Cannonball House Inc. It offers informative tours to over 10,000 visitors each year.