“Beauty Matters:” The Citizens’ Art Gallery on display at city hall
TIFTON — The Citizens’ Art Gallery is on display to the public in the historic Myon building, located at 130 1st St. E. in Tifton.
The collection was initiated by then-Tifton City Council member Bob Ragsdale when The Myon was restored the first time, in 1987, according to Blackmarr.
“(He) came up with the notion that there were local artists whose work could hang here,” Blackmarr said. “So that was the idea, that that would start a collection of local art to hang in the newly renovated facility.”
Ragsdale, who was also a member of the local arts council and the arts experiment station, saw the Love Affair, Tifton’s now defunct arts festival, as an opportunity to grow the collection. The city began putting aside enough money for what Blackmarr called a purchase award.
“Each year somebody would come and select a piece of art, either from a local artist or somebody regional to add to the collection,” she said. “We tried to choose things that weren’t necessarily reflective of the area but that reflected what was going on artistically in the community and in the region.”
The art pieces were taken from the various locations they ended up recently, and Mary Glynn Hendricks, who worked with Blackmarr to rehang the art in the building, said that having to hang the art back up gave them the opportunity to rehang the art in a way that would allow people to be able to follow and enjoy like a traditional art exhibit.
“What we hope is now that the art has been revived and placed in a new way, the city will continue that purchase award at an arts event in the future,” Blackmarr said.
The collection contains 39 pieces, ranging from traditional oils, acrylics and watercolors to pencil, pastels and photographs.
There are also several pieces that are mixed media pieces, some that are paintings on handmade paper, one piece that is made entirely out of yarn, and a blown-glass sculpture.
“I can’t think of any small city, at least in our 12 county region, that has a collection anywhere around like this,” Blackmarr said. “I think it’s very distinctive for Tifton. I think it’s important for people to know that the city supports the arts.”
The art is available to view at Tifton City Hall Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.