Cairo Newsbeat

Zebulon to feature Grand Ole Opry Show

The Zebulon Theatre invites everyone to a special event during February as they feature a special live Grand Old Opry show, live on stage. There will be two shows — Saturday, February 12 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, February 13 at 2 p.m. and will feature the music of such legendary performers as Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Merle Haggard, George Jones, Wynonna Judd, Loretta Lynn, George Strait and more.  Tickets are $20 each and all proceeds benefit the Historic Zebluon Theatre. You may purchase tickets from United National Bank, Cairo Physical Therapy, Drew Oil Company, First National Bank, Kevin Ross Financial, Sexton Trucking and at the door.

Blood drive to be held

There will be a blood drive held in honor of the Tyler Dalton Family at the Cairo Fire Station on 7th Ave, NW on Thursday, February 10 from 1-6:30 p.m. There is a nationwide shortage of blood and blood products due to the pandemic so everyone is asked to please stop by and donate a pint of blood and help save lives.

Antique car rally to return

The Cairo-Grady County Chamber of Commerce has announced the the 34th Great Southern Antique Car Rally will be returning to Cairo May 13-14. The car rally attracts antique car enthusiasts and spectators from all of the southeastern United States and will feature a gaslight parade, poker run and display of cars. More details will be coming soon from the Chamber of Commerce. 

Chicken Pilau to benefit Dog TagSS

There will be a Benefit Chicken Pilau to benefit US Military Veteran through Dog TagSS this Thursday, February 10 from 3:30-6 p.m. You may pick up plates at the Cairo State Farmer’s Market, which will feature chicken pilau, slaw, dessert and bread. Plates are $9 each. For more information, contact Eric Walden at 229-289-6508 or Chris Maples at 229-672-9227.

Library offering violin classes

The Roddenbery Memorial Library invites anyone who would like to learn how to play violin to join us in the library’s auditorium every Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. for a violin class for beginners. This is a free class sponsored by the Grady County Fine Arts.

Trout Lily Preserve opening

The Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve will be opening in February for the 2022 bloom season. Wolf Creek is a 140-acre conservation area located between Cairo and Whigham off US 84 East. The exact opening date of the preserve will be announced on the preserve’s Facebook page and once opened, will remain open throughout the blooming season. For more information, visit

Green & Gold Club planning 50th reunion

The Class of 1972 Green & Gold Club is currently making plans for a 50th class reunion. If you are interested in being a part of the reunion, please contact Yvonne Williams Stewart at 229-516-3446.

Line/Square dancing classes being taught

Line and Square Dancing Classes are now being taught every Friday from 7-9 in the  auditorium of the Roddenbery Memorial Library. These classes are for ages 12 and up and are free of charge. For more information, please call Roscoe @ 377-9635.

DNR tagging bass at Tired Creek Lake

Biologists from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources are currently working on a project to tag large mouth bass at Tired Creek Lake as part of a statewide study.  Fishermen who catch a tagged bass in the coming months are being asked to contact the DNR to share information about the size and weight of the fish so that the information can be used in the study of the bass population age and growth patterns. Each tag will have information on when the fish was tagged and how to call and report to the DNR.

Library seeking collections for display

The Roddenbery Memorial Library is seeking collections to share and put on public display with the community. If you collect items such as stamps, figurines, or other types of collectibles in categories, please contact the library if you are interesting in sharing these collections.

To submit an item to Cairo Newsbeat, contact Jeff Lovett at (229) 221-1030.

Local News

TEF preps for US Navy Band Concert, no ‘Velveteen Rabbit’ this weekend

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Tax Assessors Board honors Len Powell

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Voters approve FLOST referendum

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Thomasville Center for the Arts showcases youth art and announces YAM Competition winners


Johnson chosen as Garrison-Pilcher’s Teacher of the Year

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Rotary Club of Thomasville offers free tax preparation for retired residents

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Incident Reports & Arrests 03-19

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Anne McCudden steps down as History Center Director

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Spring and March pointers in the landscape!

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Pope’s Museum to debut new mural, exhibit on Saturday

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Dan Bellamy wins 2nd Place Large Artistic Sculpture at International Twist & Shout competition

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Reps. Taylor and Cannon enter final stretch of Legislative Session

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Imagine Thomasville celebrates ribbon cutting for the Army Recruiting Station

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First Commerce’s Barbara Williams-Anderson named Imagine Thomasville’s Woman of the Year

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Two new bronze sculptures unveiled in Downtown Thomasville


Valdosta State University announces Fall 2024 graduates


The Warrior dedicated to Ramsey


Dining for Education Scholarship event sets new record


Thomasville City Schools introduces Bulldog +1 Program


CHS named Region 1-AAA Literary Champions

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City to host stormwater utility public information session

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Thomasville Chapter DAR features program by Thomasville History Center Executive Director Anne McCudden

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Incident Reports & Arrests 03-12

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FLOST Referendum early voting wraps up this week