Church briefs
St. Thomas AME Church members are celebrating their ushers’ anniversary at 3 p.m., Sunday. The speaker is the Rev. Billy McFadden, pastor of St. Paul AME Church in Valdosta.
Providence Missionary Baptist Church is holding a revival at 7 p.m., Tuesday through Thursday. The speaker is the Rev. Dr. J. H. Flakes III, senior pastor of Fourth Street Baptist Church, Columbus. The theme is “For the Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
Special events
Bellview AME Church, 1802 Lower Boston Rd., is hosting the Valdosta South District Lay meeting at 10 a.m., Saturday. At 3 p.m., Sunday, church members will observe Men’s Day. The speaker is the Rev. Kevin Moore of Bethel AME Church of Albany and former pastor of St. Mark AME Church in Thomasville. Dinner follows the event.
Food boxes
Centennial M.B. Church members are distributing food boxes from 10 a.m. until on Saturday. The church is located at 1884 Centennial Road.
Bethany Congregational UCC Parish Nurse Ministry is holding a free blood pressure and blood sugar screening from 10 a.m. until noon, Saturday in the church annex.
Elder Neal Carter received a certificate of participation from the Rev. Dr. Artis Johnson of Evergreen United Church of Christ of Beachton. Carter is chairman of the stewardship committee at the church. The church was recently recognized at its Southeast Conference as a participant of contributing to the United Church of Christ’s national ministries to the basic operating support and mission. Five for Five means the church is a leader, providing support to the church’s wider mission offerings, sharing, strengthening the church, supporting neighborhoods in need and the Christmas fund.